Monday, September 30, 2019

Effect of Colonialism on Gender Equality Relating to the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

When it comes to delegating responsibility, allocating power, and demanding equality, there always seems to be an underlying bias towards the masculine sector of society, which allows an imbalance regarding gender equality. Understanding where this way of thinking comes from is an essential part of trying to shift and completely erase the bias. Throughout history, a patriarchal pattern and way of thinking has been passed down from generation to generation; what we fail to see is the reason for this pattern and the ways in which we can remedy the situation.A great example of this issue is displayed in the novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Diaz. The female characters of Junot Diaz’s novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, La Inca, Beli, and Lola, demonstrate the ways in which colonialism led to the dehumanization of citizens, especially women, and how these power dynamics carry over into modern society in relationships between the majority and minority, b oth in terms of race and gender in their oppression and the stigma that is attached to being a Dominican immigrant women in America. There are three important women in the novel: La Inca, Beli, and Lola.Each are strong women who battle each other, men, the fuku, their past, their color, and–most important the fact that they are women. One can argue that this habit of undermining the female population comes all the way from when colonialism began to take place. Not only did this Western idea of colonizing mean degrading those that were more, barbaric and unfortunate. â€Å".. we must study how colonization works to decivilize the colonizer,to brutalize him in the true sense of the word, to degrade him, to awaken him to buried instincts, to covetousness, violence, race hatred, and moral relativism. (Cesaire 35) But it was from this that the idea of judging humans by their appearance came about and began to exist. Prior to this the idea of looking and judging by color, gender a nd physical appearance was non-existent. What we fail to see as a society is the realness of this matter, the fact that still in the 21st century this idea of inequality hits almost every single female in one way or another, affecting even the capability to sustain themselves economically because of the still present gender gap in salary wages. This struggle is specifically seen in foreign females residing in America.Junot Diaz in his novel very craftily, with much use of heteroglossia- the presence of two or more voices, discourses, or expressed viewpoints in a text or other artistic work and uncensored truth displays this with his female characters. Lola, represents the first generation American Hispanic female who struggles with finding a balance of her spanish culture and the urge of freeing herself from the stereotype she is expected to uphold. In her journey to oppose such characterization, and as a modern Dominican girl she could only push and dream on. â€Å"with promises t hat once I reached college I would be able to do whatever I pleased, burst out.I couldn’t help it†¦ It was a message more than a feeling, a message that tolled like a bell: change, change, change. † (Diaz 58) This feeling of hope is what drives and keeps many women working hard and pushing for positive changes still to this day. But the constant tag of war with essentialism- belief that a group of pe2ople exhibit traits, characteristics, or behaviors that are essential to their nature and membership to that group, is what drove Lola to the verge of insanity. â€Å"What it’s like to be the perfect Dominican daughter, which is just a nice way of saying Dominican slave. (Diaz 56) She fought like a mad cat for justice, freedom and opportunities. Basic human rights, but not for the average foreign female in the U. S. Her battle was seen as her â€Å"crazy years.. what Dominican girl doesn’t have those? † (Diaz 24) Her sense of independence and brav ery is taken and classified just merely because she is an ethnic female. â€Å"She’d turned into one of those Jersey dominicanas, a long distance runner who drover her own car, had her own checkbook, called men bitches, and would eat a fat cat in front of you without a speck of verguenza. (Diaz 25) To call such attitude honorable would be out of the question because to society she is stepping out of what her stereotype is suppose to be.On the other hand, feminism to traditional La Inca was never even a thought. La Inca is part of the female group that accepts the oppression and her given expected role in society. Instead of fighting against it she lives her entire life trying to maintain and protect her assigned role â€Å"La Inca, you see, was a serious woman, an upstanding woman, one of the best in her class. (Diaz 102) She fought hard to keep the status of her family up high, she is the result of a woman from a colonized country. She knows nothing more than what she is g iven and refuses and is scared to venture. La Inca is the traditional dominican mom, her only wish was for her daughter, Beli to succeed and achieve what she could not. But like many traditional mothers she wanted her daughter to stay rooted in her culture, just the mere thoughts of Beli going to the â€Å"extranjero† brought her anger â€Å" The U. S. was nothing more and nothing less than a pais overrun by gangsters, putas, and no-accounts. (Diaz 158) La Inca lives by what society has taught her to be, to do things for the well being of the men in society, to take care of the home but more importantly to stay at the bottom of the chain and not even think about fighting it. The fight against what colonialism has built the female population to be was started thanks to women like Beli. She represent the females who were tired of living the role they were given.â€Å"Beli could no longer abide working at the bakery or being the â€Å"daughter† of one of the â€Å"most upstanding women in Bani. † She could not abide, period†¦ hat she wanted, more than anything, was what she’d always wanted throughout her Lost Childhood: to escape. † (Diaz 80) She was able to detach herself and learn that there is more to life than what she was told. It is thanks to females like her that we are becoming aware of how far down colonialism has push females. That the â€Å"worship of women as objects of chivalric adoration† (Kaplan 107) should not be, society makes females feel â€Å"invited to imagine themselves participating in the adventures of empire as a means of rejoicing traditional roles. (Kaplan 110) This is what the support of imperial conquest has created. Hypatia Belicia Cabral, a lost dominican single mother in the U. S trying to escape from the culture that expects her to fulfill a given role. Colonialism allowed the lessening of a person just because of an aspect of their look or status.Just as Aime Cesaire states,  ".. while colonialism in its formal sense might have been dismantled, the colonial state has not. Many of the problems of democracy are products of the old colonial state whose primary difference is the presence of black faces. (Cesaire 27) This being a clear example of Oscar, who even in a new country with endless possibilities to succeed still drags on with him that curse of fuku and the result of colonialism as his cross which leads him to find a way to not succeed. Judged by his skin color and his constant battle of achieving the mastering of this male chauvinism, that also came as a result of colonialism and its oppression of woman. The reality is that colonization taught human beings to â€Å"dehumanizes even the most civilized man. † (Cesaire 41) It allowed this concept of â€Å"ownership† and superiority of a race against another- creating an evil chain.Wealthy men were the owners of less fortunate men, and as a result of chauvinism, men were the owners of wome n. â€Å"Colonial activity, colonial enterprise, colonial conquest, which is based on contempt for the native and justified by that contempt, inevitably tends to change him who undertakes it; that the colonizer, who in order to ease his conscience gets into the habit of seeing the other man as an animal accustoms himself to treating him like an animal, and tends objectively to transform himself into an animal. (Cesaire 27) Colonialism began to build a pyramid of levels of importance in society, placing wealthy men at the top following by the rest of the men population and lastly are those wealthy and educated woman; that regardless how hard they try could never climb up the set social cast as we see in the battle of Lola against this very restricted stereotype she gets casted into. Although many of these casted minorities move to the United States in search of freedom and equality, as Beli did in order to â€Å"escape,† many of them instead find a world heavenly still conden sed in the social dynamics carried over from colonialism.American domination – the only domination from which one never recovers. I mean from which one never recovers unscarred. † (Cesaire 77) As the ethnocentric country that we are, we like to criticize other nations in the way they handle their national issues but this is merely part of colonization, a skill that the United States as a whole has down to the most specific detail. By doing so the nation as a whole makes it that much easier for members of such colonized countries to undergo the process of which colonization becomes epidermalization- â€Å"The interiorisation of an inferiority complex based on socioeconomic inequalities. Such experience that all the characters in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao undergo and are in constant conflict with. As a nation of great power we possess many great attributes but lack immensely in the topic of equality of genders. Judging rulers of other countries such as Chavez, Castro and Hitler, when these rulers had so much more to offer their woman in comparison to the United States.Although they committed crimes of which none are applaud for, what we don’t like to state and teach is that in spite of all this â€Å"wrong†, women in these particular countries received the support and were asked to better themselves and contribute to the economical development of their own nation. â€Å"By any standards, the position of women in Cuba ranks among the highest indices of equality of treatment and opportunities. † (Women In Cuba) In Venezuela Chavez receives the support of thousands of women, both in government and outside. Tania Diaz, governing party candidate for the capital district and previously minister of communications, said the aim of the activity was to support the president†¦. Since the government came to power women’s opportunities for development and for participation in Venezuelan society had multiplied. † (Pearson) While in Hitlers world, women were encouraged to train and become strong in order to become competitive with the male population and thus take part in the advancement of the Nazi nation. Hitler provided places for the female youth to learn and support each other in such advancements.These youth group was called the League of German Girls, founded in 1930. An important part of life in the League of German Girls was to help the girls build character, and to prepare them for what were supposed to be their future tasks within the Nazi Volksgemeinschaft, or people's community, by getting them involved in programs that were for the â€Å"good of the people† (Chris Crawford and Stephan Hansen) Empowering woman was something that was done in these nation, had These nations although accused of being some of the most dehumanizing, underdeveloped societies, have more opportunity and support for all of their women citizens.Allowing them to become just as competitive in the wor k force and every other aspect of society. While in America the gap between male and female equality is still so spread, and even more so the gap between male and an ethnic female. The power of oppression towards women as a result of colonialism and how these power dynamics carry over into our modern society is something that we must begin to shift. That although America tries to escape from being called a colonizer, we have become victims of our own poison. â€Å"Domestic and foreign spaces are closer than we think, and that the dynamics of imperil expansion cast them into jarring proximity. (Kaplan 1)Cesaire, Aime Discourse on Colonialism, 1955 Edition Presence Africaine Chris Crawford and Stephan Hansen, http://bdmhistory. com/research/main. html#two, copyright 2003-2008. Diaz, Junot The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, 2007 Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Kaplan, Amy The Anarchy of Empire In the Making of U. S Culture, 2002 President and Fellows of Harvard College ?Pearson, Tamara, à ¢â‚¬Å"Venezuelan Women Swear to be â€Å"Guardians† of Chavez in?Response to CNN,† VENEZUELANALYSIS. COM, http://venezuelanalysis. com/news/5644 Women in cuba- http://www. cuba-solidarity. org. uk/

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Problem solution Essay

There are countless issues constantly growing larger in our society today that are not often taken serious enough, such as global warming, world hunger and homelessness. A major issue more applicable to my generation is the distorted views by teenage girls of their personal image and appearance. This includes but is not limited to their weight, hair color, breast size, color of skin or simply how much makeup they apply. The body type portrayed in advertising as the ideal is possessed naturally by only 5% of American females, yet 47% of girls ages 11-18 grade reported wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures and 69% of girls reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of a perfect body shape (Mellin) . This distorted and incorrect view that young girls have of themselves have caused many to develop serious self-confidence issues and eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. This is a tough problem to find solutions to, but by getting the media to use more diverse actresses and models this problem may be helped. By magazines advertising the same tall, skinny, dark skinned woman on their covers, adolescent girls are pressured to feel the need to have to look this way as well. In our society today it can be extremely hard to feel accepted, but by forcing the media to change their close minded opinions, views and advertisements, we can not only change teenage girl’s lives but in some extremely severe cases save them as well. In a world where 90% of every female celebrity is on the verge of being vastly underweight it is easy for young teenagers to feel pressured to be similar. Being overweight as a young girl can cause isolation, verbal abuse and even depression now -a -days. Because media surrounds us with these unrealistic, photo shopped images even being an average weight as a girl can cause one to feel overweight. A study was done examining girls media consumption and identification with media models, then uses an exposure experiment to investigate whether the different media formats in which ‘body perfect’ ideals are presented affects their impact on body image. The first study showed that neither type nor amount of media use was related to body dissatisfaction, but the second study contracted this by demonstrating that regardless of media type, experimental exposure to the ‘perfect’ body led to significantly higher body and appearance dissatisfaction (Bell, Ditmar). According to socio-cultural theory, negative body image emerges as a result of perceived environmental pressure to conform to a culturally-defined body  and beauty ideal. The mass media may be seen as the single biggest purveyor of this ideal, promoting an unr ealistic and artificial image of female beauty that is impossible for the majority of females to achieve. (Bell, Dittmar) Eating disorders are the most serious issue that can seem to go unnoticed today. Young girls have such a strong need and desire to conform with societies ‘ideal’ image of what woman ‘should’ look like, that they will take extreme measures to meet this imaginary standard that the media has imprinted in our minds. Bulimia nervosa, the act of over eating and purging, anorexia nervosa, the act of starving oneself and also taking medications such as diet pills and laxatives in order to lose weight are immensely harming girls and causing them to face serious health issues. Because of the standard that the media portrays, girls never feel satisfied and constantly feel as if they need to lose more weight, even when in some cases they are already extremely underweight. This is no way for a teenager with their entire lives ahead of them to live; These eating disorders can cause girls to fall into a deep depression and have countless other psychological problems. Recen t studies suggest that people with bulimia nervosa (BN) are at increased risk for suicidal thoughts and actions. Scott J. Crow, MD and colleagues at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and the Genetic Epidemiology Research Branch of the National Institutes of Mental Health, Washington, DC, recently reported a study in which suicidal ideation was found to be most common among teens with BN than among teens with other eating disorders. The study showed that suicidal ideation was more common among teens with BN (53%) than among those with another eating disorder, researchers also found a similar pattern for suicidal planning (25.9%) and suicidal attempts (35.1%) among teens with BN (Crow). The solutions for these problems are far from simple, but the media could begin to portray a more diverse type of girl instead of the poor, single stereotypical image. Media should portray and advertise all different types, sizes, shapes, and races of woman in order to help every teenager feel happy and confident with themselves. We should also provide girls who struggle with self-image distortion eating disorders with counseling and cognitive therapy to talk about their issues and feelings freely. The first step to solving the  problem is identifying the problem, therefore teachers, counselors, peers, parents, and others should be more aware of signs and symptoms of eating disorders in able to address them to find and provide t hem with the help that they need. Media promoting such a thin-ideal in young women has resulted in adolescent girls having extreme self-image problems, causing eating disorders. Eating disorders can often times be overlooked or said to be done for attention, but what some may be unaware of is that eating disorders can cause serious health and psychological problems and sometimes lead to death or suicide. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any other mental illness and are an issue that our society needs to address in a much more serious manner.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Recruiting and retaining women accountants Essay

Recruiting and retaining women accountants - Essay Example The following background information gives more detail on these issues. The role of women in CPA firms has changed significantly over the last 20 years. The whole new dimension that women have brought into accounting profession was about being more relationship-focused. But even more importantly, leadership roles are often taken by women at CPA firms now. "When I joined BK in 1982, we had no women partners or managers. Now we have five female partners and 21 women managers Clients also are more accepting of women in authority positions" (Burns 2003). Currently the traditional image of the leading man has been shaken with skillful women leaders at CPA companies. The statistics gathered by Stafford Specialized Information Services during its research of Women in Public Accounting 1992-2000 (2000, p. 4) shows that the Big Five auditors more than tripled ranks of women partners since 1992: there was 434 women partners in 1994 and 1,384 of them in 2000. At the same time women's share of partnership in big CPA firms has risen from 4,8% to 11,7% in 1992-2000. Although partnership is not always the most desired goal for every woman in CPA, still it is the most significant achievement for them. As statistics shows, more and more women become oriented towards leadership in CPA. Nowadays public accounting companies have also changed their view of women's role. "In addition to strong technical skills, firms now look very closely at the interpersonal skills of job candidates, too Approximately 50 percent of our entry-level hires are women." (Burns 2003). Meanwhile recruitment and retention still remains to be the most troubling concern for CPA firms. Finding qualified staff and developing future owners of CPA companies was identified as the first item in their top priorities list (The Practicing CPA 2003). Young professional women are now more acceptable with CPA companies than before, mainly due to more flexible scheduling. However, the old issue with work-life balance still remains the most challenging factor for women, who decided to bring career into their life. Studies of the past indicate that there are some positive changes, which is supported with an increasing number of women leaders in CPA firms. The research held in 1990 has revealed that one-third of 721 survey respondents "believe that their accounting work has had some negative affect on their opportunity to marry or on their marriage, while 28% of those who are unmarried believe that their job demands partly explain why they are not married" (Stockard 1990). According to Burns (2003) it is now possible for both men and women to have flexible work schedules and maintain a work-family balance. Nevertheless the problem of balance still remains to be urgent. Extensive travels to client offices, which may mean the accountant is away for several weeks, make it very hard to maintain a work-life balance for managers and partners. That is why women accountants pay attention to such

Friday, September 27, 2019

International Business Culture and Diversity Case Study

International Business Culture and Diversity - Case Study Example Work behaviors vary from one culture to another. Even the organizational culture in place in a multinational company cannot totally dispel the influence of national culture. Organizational culture, in fact, has been known to blow up the members' national culture and gives emphasis to it In the light of the foregoing, culture does figure importantly in the day-to-day affairs of a company, whether or not it is actively into transactions that involve importing or exporting. Even companies that cater purely to local markets are confronted by cultural diversity amongst their employees, their suppliers, their clients, and other people that they do business with.At the onset of globalization, it was believed to bring about some sort of similarity, if not uniformity, of the world's cultures with one another. Although globalization did bring about an awakening to millions of people who used to think that life in their country is almost all there is to living in this world, it failed to make p eople of different races embrace a new culture that can be said to represent all the people of the world. In fact, it is when people of different cultures get together that their distinct traits, beliefs and habits become their source of identity, security and confidence.And so it was in the case of Ray Cisneros, who flew from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires to close a business deal. While his bosses believed him to be the best choice as the company representative because of his culture - his Hispanic background and capability to speak in Spanish - and his drive to excel, he found himself having to cope with issues that basically originated from the culture of the other party, the Argentinean executives. Cross-Cultural Differences Author Wederspahn names two levels that people of two or more different cultures go through before coming to the point when they are able to use the uniqueness of their individual cultures for the good of their common cause. The first level is where cultural dominance reigns. Each party would try to influence the other based on nothing but just culture. In this level, neither party acknowledges that there are cultural differences to be considered; each party would assume that the other will submit to his culture. (1989) Thus, Ray Cisneros flew to Buenos Aires with intentions of doing his presentation shortly after his arrival and with the belief that the Argentinean executives would agree to stick to his planned schedule. Meanwhile, the Argentinean executives arranged to let Ray Cisneros go sightseeing during his first days in Buenos Aires and then to meet him two days later. They were two parties from two distinct cultures, and each one naturally assumed that the other would agree to the designed schedule. This scenario illustrates the first level where cultural dominance is the name of the game. The second level brings in cultural compromise and the synergy that is achieved through it. In this level, the concerned parties learn to meet halfway to come up with alternatives that would be mutually beneficial. This can be attained even with the existence of cultural differences; it is a matter of acknowledging such differences and focusing more on common values and priorities. (Wederspahn 1989) This second level would ideally bring about a fruitful ending to the uncomfortable initial part of the negotiations between Ray Cisneros and the Argentinean executives. In this level, both parties would look beyond their individual feelings, reservations, plans, intentions and hopes for the meetings that are to be held and would instead dwell on the success and benefits that can be generated for both sides by a well-concluded discourse. The motives, plans, moods and behavior of Ray Cisneros and the Argentinean executives could be traced to the general characteristics of their respective cultures. Indeed, adequate information on the American culture and the Argentine

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gary (2002) indicates that nurses display many of the characteristics Essay

Gary (2002) indicates that nurses display many of the characteristics of an oppressed group. Do you agree or disagree with her a - Essay Example The conditional status of oppression has been rampant in medical institutions, yet, overt recognition of its existence is consistently denied. As nursing is generally viewed as female-dominated profession, many distinguish it as lower compared to predominantly masculine careers. Hence, nurses from various fields are extensively pressured to prove themselves in the patriarchal society (Seago, 2006). Accordingly, feminist antagonism serves as primary source for negative viewpoints adapted in medical settings. In relation to career antagonism, the nature of oppression spreads from hierarchical nursing ranks. Concertedly, nursing management deviates from the ideals of supportive supervision into tyrannical leadership. In parallel view with the study by Gary on â€Å"Why and Wherefore of Empowerment,† intentional intimidation of junior nurses by senior nurses in clinical field is perceived as effective means in controlling behavior of the former (Stevens, 2002). Upon inciting fear, most nurses act according to manipulation of ranked nurses--nurses’ independent functions are broken to fit the whims of senior nurses. The problem with oppression is not only provoked by those with higher organizational authority. As revealed by American Association of Critical Nurses (2007), even peer-to-peer association augments oppression in practice.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Optimum Class Size Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Optimum Class Size - Essay Example Outline This paper examines the effect of class proportions on introductory accounting pupil performance within the perspective of a dynamic learning setting. Class group actions were applied as an essential part of the education environment in both small and large divisions. This paper analyses the studies conducted by academics and argues for the thesis statement. An investigative look into the conclusions of academics and scholars reveals that thesis statement is in fact true and proven. Academic Evidence The subject of class size and its influence on student knowledge has been a time-honored debate across institutes and schooling levels (Siegel et al., 1959 cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271; Simmons, 1959 cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271; Shane, 1961 cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271; Laughlin, 1976 cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271; McConnell and Sosin, 1984: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271; Williams et al., 1985: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271). Analyses have been wide-ranging through disciplines. Simmons (1959: p309-15) detected a greater failure degree and lesser overall accomplishment for intermediate algebra learners in big class settings. However, Williams et al. (1985: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p272), Siegel (1959: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p272), and Laughlin (1976: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271) in studies through numerous disciplines, all resolved that class size does not affect pupil education. On the subject of accounting class proportions, Anderson (1964: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p272) contended that, though tiny classes with outstanding teachers are best, large classes with exceptional teachers are better than small classes with less skilled teachers. A revision by Baldwin (1993: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271) concentrated on this very matter. It examined whether a reputable teacher with an exceptional standing as a lecturer could attain results in a bulk lecture segment that were equiv alent to or better than doctoral pupils could accomplish with smaller divisions. Baldwin determined that there was no noteworthy variance in apprentices’ performance. Likewise, Hill (1998: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p271) discovered no performance benefits for small classes. Certainly, when Hill reckoned for grade point average (GPA) and attending, the large fragment outdid the small division in both concluding examination marks and general course ranking. Literature Review The Baldwin (1993: cited in Murdoch and Guy, 2002: p272) learning has limits that propose extra inquiries may add to the facts concerning class size in accounting studies. In his study, Baldwin disclosed that an prized teacher trained the large section whereas doctoral students trained the smaller classes and that this teacher observed some burden to do a decent job so as not to hurt an otherwise satisfactory teaching status. Baldwin’s goal was not to regulate variables other than strength prop ortions, but to match outcomes from Introductory Accounting communicated in a bulk-lecture design by an exceptional teacher to results achieved by doctoral student teachers in smaller divisions.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Oreo Multiple National Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oreo Multiple National Corporation - Essay Example Oreo Multiple National Corporation Recently, the unusual has happened whereby human emotions have been used and exploited. An example of this is the emergence of sick animals on television in order to stir up emotions and winning hearts for financial support that can treat these poor animals. Children have also been used in the commercials in order to attract attention to some of the products that are being advertised. This is evidenced by the Oreo Company which uses advertising to market their product which is the cookie. Oreo Multiple National Corporation used their staff all over the world to deploy multiple television commercials, in order to capture the different cultures and languages all over the world. The objective of this act is to ensure that the same technique is not used again or repeated in some of the regions in the world. In other words it has deployed a range of Video in different languages ​​to countries that do not speak the original languages used in advertising the cookie, and thus ensure that human nature is not exploited and the people are impacted with the necessary knowledge. This method of marketing the cookie is effective especially when the peers vision how the kids enjoy the taste of Oreo. The ways in which the product is advertised pushes the children to buy the product or even makes them persuade their parents to purchase the cookie for them instead of having any other type of biscuit.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Quantity Surveying development and significance of the quantity Essay

Quantity Surveying development and significance of the quantity surveyor's professional role in relation to changes in construction procurement practice and reg - Essay Example Quantity Surveyors are employed predominantly on major building and construction projects as consultants to the owner, in both the public and private sectors. They may also work as academics in the building and construction disciplines and in financial institutions, with developers and as project managers (Willis and Ashworth 46). Quantity Surveyors work closely with architects, financiers, engineers, contractors, suppliers, project owners, accountants, insurance underwriters, solicitors and Courts and with all levels of government authorities. At feasibility stage quantity surveyors use their knowledge of construction methods and costs to advise the owner on the most economical way of achieving his requirements. Quantity surveyors may use techniques such as Cost Planning, Estimating, Cost Analysis, Cost-in-use Studies and Value Management to establish a project budget (Boyd and Kerr 34). During design, the quantity surveyor ensures that the design remains on budget through Cost Management. Essential additions are offset by other identified savings. On completion of design and drawings, the quantity surveyor may prepare a Bill of Quantities, which is issued with the specification, for use by contractors in submitting tenders. The contractor’s quantity surveyors generally prepare tenders, and may price alternatives for consideration. The quantity surveyor is usually involved in assessing tenders and may also be asked to advise on the type of contract or special clauses in it. During construction the quantity surveyors are called on to fairly value progress payments at regular intervals. They will also value changes to design or quantities which may arise by reference to appropriate Bill of Quantities rates. The contractor’s quantity surveyor/contract administrator will prepare claims for progress payments and additional work. When construction is complete the quantity surveyor can produce depreciation schedules of the various

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy of education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of education Essay Philosophy is a set of beliefs or ideas one has towards their discipline or line of work. Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen, authors of the textbook â€Å"Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional,† define philosophy as â€Å"The study of theories of knowledge, truth, existence, and morality† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. The philosophy of education is a very important aspect of teaching. It is meant to guide teachers in the classroom and offer insight to the thinking of past experts [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. It often will answer the main questions any new and even seasoned teachers have when preparing to teach in the classroom. There are various degrees of philosophy, for example; there is the philosophy of life, the philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of education. However, there are four philosophies of education they include: Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism, and Social Reconstructionism. After calculating my scores on the philosophical assessment in the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I found that my personal philosophy of education is an equal combination of Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism. According to Kauchak and Eggen, Perennialism consists of the teaching of classic knowledge [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. This includes literacy, mathematics, and science. Another way of looking at this is teaching student’s subjects that they will use in the future, even if it does not seem relevant now. The definition of perennial is â€Å"long-term† and that is exactly how a teacher with a Perennialism philosophy teaches. Social Reconstructionism, according to Kauchak and Eggen is â€Å"An educational philosophy suggesting that schools, teachers, and students should lead in alleviating social inequities in our society† [ (Kauchak Eggen, 2011) ]. In other words, a teacher with this philosophy teaches their students about social problems, improving society and teaching their students about personal responsibilities. Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are each on opposite ends of the spectrum. Social Reconstructionism focuses more on the society in which the student lives, while Perennialism focuses more on the intellect of the student. Having these two as my personal philosophies is a bit difficult. While I do believe teaching tolerance and understanding is important, I also know that learning mathematics, science and literacy is equally important. After reading the scenario on page 219 of the Kauchak and Eggen textbook, I would respond to the students by first trying to motivate them. Offering incentives is a great way to get students’ attention; they are more eager to pay attention if they are pursuing it to get something out of it. You can use anything as a motivator; my favorite was always free dessert at lunch! You can also give extra credit points on the next quiz or for younger students you could offer an incentive such as â€Å"line leader† or â€Å"bathroom monitor† for the day. The younger students love when they think they are in charge of something, it can also help their self-esteem knowing they are doing something important. I do believe this is more of an example of Perennialism, however, depending on the specific motivator and the response it gets; it could be Social Reconstructionism as well. The second response I would try is starting a discussion. I would try getting the students’ attention by putting them in discussion groups or having a discussion as a whole class. This would definitely be an example of Social Reconstructionism. This encourages the students to work together and to come up with a solution together. It gives them a chance to ask each other questions before asking the teacher. It also compels them to stay focused on the topic and eliminates the â€Å"my hand wasn’t raised† excuse. My third response, though I would make it my last resort, would be to write a summary on what was taught during the instruction. By doing this, it makes the students want and need to listen in order to do their assignment correctly. This also offers a chance to get some feedback from the teacher and allows you to reflect on what you learned and what you need to work on. This is an example of Perennialism, as it deals with the thought process and encouraging literacy. While Perennialism and Social Reconstructionism are complete opposites, they also share some characteristics, making it easier to teach using both philosophies. Many common knowledge subjects can be transitioned to include activities that work well to alleviate social problems. In math, you can have the students work in groups. This promotes team work and logic. In literacy, you may give reading assignments dealing with a specific problem in society (e. g. poverty, bullying, etc) and have the students write summaries on what they read. This can promote logical thinking as well as establishing knowledge of the society issue in the reading.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Determinants of Health Essay Example for Free

Social Determinants of Health Essay Health status improves at each step up the income and social hierarchy. High income determines living conditions such as safe housing and ability to buy sufficient good food. The healthiest populations are those in societies which are prosperous and have an equitable distribution of wealth. Why are higher income and social status associated with better health? If it were just a matter of the poorest and lowest status groups having poor health, the explanation could be things like poor living conditions. But the effect occurs all across the socio-economic spectrum. Considerable research indicates that the degree of control people have over life circumstances, especially stressful situations, and their discretion to act are the key influences. Higher income and status generally results in more control and discretion. And the biological pathways for how this could happen are becoming better understood. A number of recent studies show that limited options and poor coping skills for dealing with stress increase vulnerability to a range of diseases through pathways that involve the immune and hormonal systems. There is strong and growing evidence that higher social and economic status is associated with better health. In fact, these two factors seem to be the most important determinants of health. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians †¢Only 47% of Canadians in the lowest income bracket rate their health as very good or excellent, compared with 73% of Canadians in the highest income group. †¢Low-income Canadians are more likely to die earlier and to suffer more illnesses than Canadians with higher incomes, regardless of age, sex, race and place of residence. †¢At each rung up the income ladder, Canadians have less sickness, longer life expectancies and improved health. †¢Studies suggest that the distribution of income in a given society may be a more important determinant of health than the total amount of income earned by society members. Large gaps in income distribution lead to increases in social problems and poorer health among the population as a whole. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢Social status is also linked to health. A major British study of civil service employees found that, for most major categories of disease (cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, etc.), health increased with job rank. This was true even when risk factors such as smoking, which are known to vary with social class, were taken into account. All the people in the study worked in desk jobs, and all had a good standard of living and job security, so this was not an effect that could be explained by physical risk, poverty or material deprivation. Health increased at each step up the job hierarchy. For example, those one step down from the top (doctors, lawyers, etc.) had heart disease rates four times higher than those at the top (those at levels comparable to deputy ministers). So we must conclude that something related to higher income, social position and hierarchy provides a buffer or defence against disease, or that something about lower income and status undermines defences. †¢See also evidence from the report Social Disparities and Involvement in Physical Activity †¢See also evidence from the report Improving the Health of Canadians KEY DETERMINANT 2. Social Support Networks UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE Support from families, friends and communities is associated with better health. Such social support networks could be very important in helping people solve problems and deal with adversity, as well as in maintaining a sense of mastery and control over life circumstances. The caring and respect that occurs in social relationships, and the resulting sense of satisfaction and well-being, seem to act as a buffer against health problems. In the 1996 ¬97 National Population Health Survey (NPHS), more than four out of five Canadians reported that they had someone to confide in, someone they could count on in a crisis, someone they could count on for advice and someone who makes them feel loved and cared for. Similarly, in the 1994 ¬95 National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, children aged 10 and 11 reported a strong tendency toward positive social behaviour and caring for  others. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: Some experts in the field have concluded that the health effect of social relationships may be as important as established risk factors such as smoking, physical activity, obesity and high blood pressure. †¢An extensive study in California found that, for men and women, the more social contacts people have, the lower their premature death rates. †¢Another U.S. study found that low availability of emotional support and low social participation were associated with all-cause mortality. †¢The risk of angina pectoris decreased with increasing levels of emotional support in a study of male Israeli civil servants. Top of Page KEY DETERMINANT 3. Education and Literacy UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE Health status improves with level of education. Education is closely tied to socioeconomic status, and effective education for children and lifelong learning for adults are key contributors to health and prosperity for individuals, and for the country. Education contributes to health and prosperity by equipping people with knowledge and skills for problem solving, and helps provide a sense of control and mastery over life circumstances. It increases opportunities for job and income security, and job satisfaction. And it improves peoples ability to access and understand information to help keep them healthy. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians: †¢Canadians with low literacy skills are more likely to be unemployed and poor, to suffer poorer health and to die earlier than Canadians with high levels of literacy †¢People with higher levels of education have better access to healthy physical environments and are better able to prepare their children for school than people with low levels of education. They also tend to smoke less, to be more physically active and to have access to healthier foods. †¢In the 1996-97 National Population Health Survey (NPHS), only 19% of respondents with less than a high school education rated their health as excellent compared with 30% of university  graduates. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢The 1990 Canada Health Promotion Survey found the number of lost workdays decreases with increasing education. People with elementary schooling lose seven work days per year due to illness, injury or disability, while those with university education lose fewer than four days per year. †¢See also evidence from the report: How Does Literacy Affect the Health of Canadians? KEY DETERMINANT 4. Employment / Working Conditions UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE Unemployment, underemployment, stressful or unsafe work are associated with poorer health. People who have more control over their work circumstances and fewer stress related demands of the job are healthier and often live longer than those in more stressful or riskier work and activities. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians: †¢Employment has a significant effect on a persons physical, mental and social health. Paid work provides not only money, but also a sense of identity and purpose, social contacts and opportunities for personal growth. When a person loses these benefits, the results can be devastating to both the health of the individual and his or her family. Unemployed people have a reduced life expectancy and suffer significantly more health problems than people who have a job. †¢Conditions at work (both physical and psychosocial) can have a profound effect on peoples health and emotional well-being. †¢Participation in the wage economy, however, is only part of the picture. Many Canadians (especially women) spend almost as many hours engaged in unpaid work, such as doing housework and caring for children or older relatives. When these two workloads are combined on an ongoing basis and little or no support is offered, an individuals level of stress and job satisfaction is bound to suffer. Between 1991 and 1995, the proportion of Canadian workers who were very satisfied with their work declined, and was more pronounced among female workers, dropping from 58% to 49%. Reported levels of work stress followed the same pattern. In the 1996 ¬97 NPHS, more women reported high work stress levels than men in every age category. Women aged 20 to 24 were almost three times as likely to report high work stress  than the average Canadian worker. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢A major review done for the World Health Organization found that high levels of unemployment and economic instability in a society cause significant mental health problems and adverse effects on the physical health of unemployed individuals, their families and their communities. Top of Page KEY DETERMINANT 5. Social Environments UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE The importance of social support also extends to the broader community. Civic vitality refers to the strength of social networks within a community, region, province or country. It is reflected in the institutions, organizations and informal giving practices that people create to share resources and build attachments with others. The array of values and norms of a society influence in varying ways the health and well being of individuals and populations. In addition, social stability, recognition of diversity, safety, good working relationships, and cohesive communities provide a supportive society that reduces or avoids many potential risks to good health. A healthy lifestyle can be thought of as a broad description of peoples behaviour in three inter-related dimensions: individuals; individuals within their social environments (eg. family, peers, community, workplace); the relation between individuals and their social enivronment. Interventions to improve health through lifestyle choices can use comprehensive approaches that address health as a social or community (ie. shared) issue. Social or community responses can add resources to an individuals repertoireof strategies to cope with changes and foster health. In 1996-97: Thirty-one percent of adult Canadians reported volunteering with not-for-profit organizations in 1996-97, a 40% increase in the number of volunteers since 1987. One in two Canadians reported being involved in a community organization. Eighty-eight percent of Canadians made donations, either financial or in-kind, to charitable and not-for-profit organizations. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians †¢In the U.S., high levels of trust and group membership were found to be associated with reduced mortality rates. †¢Family violence has a devastating effect on the health of women and children in both the short and long term. In 1996, family members were accused in 24% of all assaults against children; among very young children, the proportion was much higher. †¢Women who are assaulted often suffer severe physical and psychological health problems; some are even killed. In 1997, 80% of victims of spousal homicide were women, and another 19 women were killed by a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. †¢Since peaking in 1991, the national crime rate declined 19% by 1997. However, this national rate is still more than double what it was three decades ago. KEY DETERMINANT 6. Physical Environments UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE The physical environment is an important determinant of health. At certain levels of exposure, contaminants in our air, water, food and soil can cause a variety of adverse health effects, including cancer, birth defects, respiratory illness and gastrointestinal ailments. In the built environment, factors related to housing, indoor air quality, and the design of communities and transportation systems can significantly influence our physical and psychological well-being. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians †¢The prevalence of childhood asthma, a respiratory disease that is highly  sensitive to airborne contaminants, has increased sharply over the last two decades, especially among the age group 0 to 5. It was estimated that some 13% of boys and 11% of girls aged 0 to 19 (more than 890,000 children and young people) suffered from asthma in 1996 ¬97. †¢Children and outdoor workers may be especially vulnerable to the health effects of a reduced ozone layer. Excessive exposure to UV-B radiation can cause sunburn, skin cancer, depression of the immune system and an increased risk of developing cataracts Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢Air pollution, including exposure to second hand tobacco smoke, has a significant association with health. A study in southern Ontario found a consistent link between hospital admissions for respiratory illness in the summer months and levels of sulphates and ozone in the air. However, it now seems that the risk from small particles such as dust and carbon particles that are by-products of burning fuel may be even greater than the risks from pollutants such as ozone. As well, research indicates that lung cancer risks from second hand tobacco smoke are greater than the risks from the hazardous air pollutants from all regulated industrial emissions combined. KEY DETERMINANT 7. Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills refer to those actions by which individuals can prevent diseases and promote self-care, cope with challenges, and develop self-reliance, solve problems and make choices that enhance health. Definitions of lifestyle include not only individual choices, but also the influence of social, economic,and environmental factors on the decisions people make about their health. There is a growing recognition that personal life choices are greatly influenced by the socioeconomic environments in which people live, learn, work and play. These influences impact lifestyle choice through at least five areas: personal life skills, stress, culture, social relationships and belonging,  and a sense of control. Interventions that support the creation of suportive environments will enhance the capacity of individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices in a world where many choices are possible. Through research in areas such as heart disease and disadvantaged childhood, there is more evidence that powerful biochemical and physiological pathways link the individual socio-economic experience to vascular conditions and other adverse health events. However, there is a growing recognition that personal life choices are greatly influenced by the socioeconomic environments in which people live, learn, work and play. Through research in areas such as heart disease and disadvantaged childhood, there is more evidence that powerful biochemical and physiological pathways link the individual socio-economic experience to vascular conditions and other adverse health events. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians †¢In Canada, smoking is estimated to be responsible for at least one-quarter of all deaths for adults between the ages of 35 and 84. Rates of smoking have increased substantially among adolescents and youth, particularly among young women, over the past five years and smoking rates among Aboriginal people are double the overall rate for Canada as a whole. †¢Multiple risk-taking behaviours, including such hazardous combinations as alcohol, drug use and driving, and alcohol, drug use and unsafe sex, remain particularly high among young people, especially young men. †¢Diet in general and the consumption of fat in particular are linked to some of the major causes of death, including cancer and coronary heart disease. The proportion of overweight men and women in Canada increased steadily between 1985 and 1996 ¬97 from 22% to 34% among men and from 14% to 23% among women. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢Coping skills, which seem to be acquired primarily in the first few years of life, are also important in supporting healthy lifestyles. These are the skills people use to interact effectively with the world around them, to deal with the events, challenges and stress they encounter in their day to  day lives. Effective coping skills enable people to be self-reliant, solve problems and make informed choices that enhance health. These skills help people face lifes challenges in positive ways, without recourse to risky behaviours such as alcohol or drug abuse. Research tells us that people with a strong sense of their own effectiveness and ability to cope with circumstances in their lives are likely to be most successful in adopting and sustaining healthy behaviours and lifestyles. †¢See also evidence from the report Social Disparities and Involvement in Physical Activity †¢See also evidence from the report Improving the Health of Canadians Top of Page KEY DETERMINANT 8. Healthy Child Development UNDERLYING PREMISES EVIDENCE New evidence on the effects of early experiences on brain development, school readiness and health in later life has sparked a growing consensus about early child development as a powerful determinant of health in its own right. At the same time, we have been learning more about how all of the other determinants of health affect the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual development of children and youth. For example, a young persons development is greatly affected by his or her housing and neighbourhood, family income and level of parents education, access to nutritious foods and physical recreation, genetic makeup and access to dental and medical care. Evidence from the Second Report on the Health of Canadians †¢Experiences from conception to age six have the most important influence of any time in the life cycle on the connecting and sculpting of the brains neurons. Positive stimulation early in life improves learning, behaviour and health into adulthood. †¢Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy can lead to poor birth outcomes. In the 1996 ¬97 National Population Health Survey, about 36% of new mothers who were former or current smokers smoked during their last pregnancy (about 146,000 women). The vast majority of women reported that they did not drink alcohol during their pregnancy. †¢A loving, secure attachment between parents/caregivers and babies in the first  18 months of life helps children to develop trust, self-esteem, emotional control and the ability to have positive relationships with others in later life. †¢Infants and children who are neglected or abused are at higher risk for injuries, a number of behavioural, social and cognitive problems later in life, and death. Evidence from Investing in the Health of Canadians: †¢A low weight at birth links with problems not just during childhood, but also in adulthood. Research shows a strong relationship between income level of the mother and the babys birth weight. The effect occurs not just for the most economically disadvantaged group. Mothers at each step up the income scale have babies with higher birth weights, on average, than those on the step below. This tells us the problems are not just a result of poor maternal nutrition and poor health practices associated with poverty, although the most serious problems occur in the lowest income group. It seems that factors such as coping skills and sense of control and mastery over life circumstances also come into play. †¢See also evidence from the report Improving the Health of Canadians KEY DETERMINANT 9.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Internationalisation of SMEs: Challenges and Barriers

Internationalisation of SMEs: Challenges and Barriers Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are becoming more important in today’s international markets. (Oviatt and McDougall,1994, 1999). The internationalisation of SME’s can be expected to increase further due to the economy of the world becoming further harmonised with continued declines in government imposed barriers and advances in technology (Lu, Jane W, and Paul W Beamish, 2001). In 2013 there was an estimated 4.9 million private sector businesses in the UK which is an increase of 102,000 compared to that of 2012. SME’s account for over half of employment, 53.9%, and almost half of the turnover in the UK private sector, 48.1%. (Department for Business Innovations and Skills, 2013). Hence, showing that SME’s are still growing and are an integral part of the UK’s economy. Through SME’s, this essay will discuss and critically analyse the process of creating (pre start up) and managing a new venture (post start up). It will begin with considering issues relating to the entrepreneur, and examine the challenges that they are faced with when starting up a business idea, the opportunity, and the innovation. The problems with managing a new venture are then inspected. In French, the term entrepreneur means someone who â€Å"undertakes†, for example someone who undertakes a significant project or activity. It later came to be used to identify individuals who accelerated economic progress by finding new and better ways of doing things. The French economist most associated with giving the name is Jean Baptiste Say who was quoted saying â€Å"The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield†. Entrepreneurs create value (Dees, J Gregory, 1998). The sources of entrepreneurship are studied by researchers in a wide range of disciplines, the study varies per discipline. For example, an economist would look at mainly socio economic variables, whereas psychologists would look at the personality traits of the entrepreneurs to see which ones were more integral to that of an entrepreneur (Fritsch, Michael, and Alina Rusakova, 2010). The Big Five model of personality provides a framework for analysing the relationship between personality traits and the tendency to become an entrepreneur. The five dimensions of this personality model are: Extraversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience (Barrick, Murray R, and Michael K Mount, 1991). Zhao and Seibert (2006) investigated the personality characteristics of business founders in comparison to dependently employed managers. They found that self employed individuals are different from managers on the dimensions of openness to experience, consci entiousness, neuroticism, and agreeableness (Zhao, Hao, and Scott E Seibert, 2006). Schmitt-Rodermund states that early entrepreneurial interest is related to elevated levels of openness to experience, extraversion, and conscientiousness (Schmitt-Rodermund, Eva, 2004). Although these relationships show a correlation between single personality traits and entrepreneurship, the effect of personality characteristics for entrepreneurship is still not entirely clear (Rauch, Andreas, and Michael Frese 2007). A main motivation for entrepreneurship is the need for freedom. Stepping into self employment means becoming your own boss and a need for autonomy as a non financial value becomes an important part of the entrepreneurs career choice, despite a potential decrease in income (Fritsch, Michael, and Alina Rusakova, 2010). The Croson and Minniti (2011) model shows that newly self employed individuals are willing to accept a lower income in exchange for the psychological benefits that come with self employment (Croson, David C, and Maria Minniti 2012). This is similar to self determination theory in that autonomy leads to well being and explains why autonomy in the workplace might be a compensator for higher incomes in a position that involves less freedom (Deci, Edward, and Richard M Ryan, 2008). Entrepreneurial opportunities can arise from from structural gaps in the market or from business transformations, for example the genesis of an internet company. The entrepreneurial opportunity itself, consists of a business idea and its potential. The business idea is then formed into a business plan which is the foundation for creating a company and exploiting the gap in the marketplace (Volkmann, Christine K, Kim Oliver Tokarski, and Marc Grà ¼nhagen 2010). The term â€Å"opportunity† seems to be a central part of many definitions of entrepreneurship. It relates to Say’s notion of shifting resources to a higher area. An opportunity, therefore, means an opportunity to create value in some way. Entrepreneurs have a mind-set that sees the possibilities rather than the problems created by change such as technological advances. The entrepreneur always looks for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity (Dees, J Gregory 1998). However, Peter Drucker, a management consultant, educator, and author, says that â€Å"not every small business is entrepreneurial or represents entrepreneurship†. An example of this would be a â€Å"husband and wife who open a delicatessen or a mexican restaurant in the american suburb†. There is nothing specifically innovative or change oriented in this (Drucker, Peter Ferdinand 1995). He also claims that entrepreneurship does not require a profit motive. Further backing up the Crosson and Minniti (2010) model. With social entrepreneurs, the social mission is central and mission related impact becomes the central criterion, not the creation of wealth. For social entrepreneurs the money is not important, it is the actual outcome of their work that they strive for. However, with business entrepreneurs, the income of money is a way of measuring the creation of value. Business entrepreneurs are subject to market discipline. If they do not shift resources to become more economically functional then they tend to be driven out of business (Dees, J Gregory 1998). The challenges involved in starting a new venture, as well as the characteristic uncertainty and the lack of resources and stability that have led some researchers to view survival as the focused dimension of success (Van de Den 1984), are authentic in the social field. Furthermore, given the difficulty of measuring the performance of firms they use multiple measures of performance. The criteria of success of social ventures are determined as follows: 1. The level to which the venture achieves its set goals, 2. the ability of the venture to ensure continuity and sustainability by acquiring resources necessary to maintain the objectives, and 3. the level of resources that are available to maintain the ventures growth and expansion (Sharir, Moshe, and Miri Lerner, 2006). A large field study was carried out between 1999 and 2001 on the process of initiating and establishing social ventures (Sharir, Moshe, and Miri Lerner, 2006). Of the social ventures, it was deduced into fifteen variables that determined their success. These include: Previous experience this involved checking the history of the entrepreneur for previous expertise in the venture area. Total dedication The time that was invested in the development by the entrepreneur, the investment of the entrepreneur’s private resources. Support from family and friends this was measured by the amount of involvement that was made by the friends and family of the entrepreneur. Acceptance of the idea of the venture in the public’s eyes the public’s awareness of the issue. The primary social network examined the activities that were involved in assisting the venture to acquire needed capital and support in the establishment stage. Support from public sector agencies yes or no. Funding received from foundations support received by foundations for three or more years. Support received from another non profit organisation whether it acquired capital, received support, or was integrated within an older organisation. The amount of budget at the establishment stage fifty thousand dollars was acquired at the establishment stage. Composition of the staff at the establishment stage The number of staff members and their jobs as salaried or part time, and also the distribution of workload between them. Governing board performance the involvement of board members in planning, decision making, personal financial investment, and expanding the social network. The planned expansion and stabilisation of the venture’s social network the actions taken by the entrepreneur in this way. Preliminary planning the preparation of a business plan or detailed planning involving environmental aspects, staffing and budgeting. Long term cooperation with another organisati on cooperation with another organisation for at least three years. Market test of the venture’s service charging fees for receipt of selected services or obtaining long term contracts from public agencies. Eight of the fifteen variables were found to contribute to the success of the social venture (Sharir, Moshe, and Miri Lerner, 2006). Business mortality rates suggest that discontinuous rates of start ups can be as high as seventy percent in the first five years, although this depends on the specific industry in question. Within a new venture, the main problem arises due to a lack of organisational structure and a lack of a specific set of roles, tasks, and capabilities. Therefore the founders of the company must use what little resources they have to address the issues involved. Thus taking up management time. Moreover, the inclusion of structure and teachings of new roles, tasks, and capabilities within the company can cause inefficiency and may lead to worry, and conflict among the members. However, there is one way in which new ventures have an advantage over older businesses. They are able to form a business plan without being restricted because of the decisions that have been made in the companies’ past. They are also not liable to aging. Older ventures suffer from processes such as routinisation and s tandardisation which makes them reluctant to transform their company in the face of change (Gruber, Marc, and Joachim Henkel 2006). There are three stages that can be applied to the growth of a company once the initial start up procedure has finished. These are: early development, (rapid) development, and sustained growth. In the early development stage, the entrepreneur must strengthen the structures laid out at the foundation stage. They must also aim confidently at successful market establishment. Within this stage the growth of the company is determined by the strategies and implementation of those strategies into business operations. During the rapid development stage, the main strengths and strategic advantages of the business must be capitalised on and created. Frequent changes to structures such as communication, leadership, information, and communication are also required for rapid growth. New resources might need to be acquired or existing ones, redistributed to account for the new demands. In order for a company to achieve sustained growth, it must be planned using growth strategies established by the founders of the company (Volkmann, Christine K, Kim Oliver Tokarski, and Marc Grà ¼nhagen 2010). To summarise, SME’s are still a major part of the economy and they are constantly expanding. Entrepreneurs are the people responsible for the stable growth of SME’s and their innovative minds will ensure that technology advances. Psychologists believe that entrepreneurs have different personality traits than normal people which helps them to strive more and become more confident when setting out to achieve their goals. There are two different types of entrepreneur, the social entrepreneurs and the business entrepreneurs. The social entrepreneurs seek pleasure in getting their idea known to the world whereas business entrepreneurs always look for ways to gain wealth. Due to the entrepreneurs ability to seek out gaps in the market, the world will become a more comfortable place to live in with innovations that will make lives easier. Entrepreneurs do not enjoy the restrictions of a workplace and this leads them to becoming their own boss, however, they must face the chall enges that entails with starting up a business. Such as the resources, organisational structure, and growth. References Lu, Jane W, and Paul W Beamish. The internationalization and performance of SMEs. Strategic management journal 22.6à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 7 (2001): 565-586. Department of Business Innovations and Skills. â€Å"Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions.† 2013. Fritsch, Michael, and Alina Rusakova. Personality traits, self-employment, and professions. 2010. Croson, David C, and Maria Minniti. Slipping the surly bonds: The value of autonomy in self-employment. Journal of Economic Psychology 33.2 (2012): 355-365. Barrick, Murray R, and Michael K Mount. The big five personality dimensions and job performance: a metaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ analysis. Personnel psychology 44.1 (1991): 1-26. Zhao, Hao, and Scott E Seibert. The big five personality dimensions and entrepreneurial status: a meta-analytical review. Journal of Applied Psychology 91.2 (2006): 259. Schmitt-Rodermund, Eva. Pathways to successful entrepreneurship: Parenting, personality, early entrepreneurial competence, and interests. Journal of Vocational Behavior 65.3 (2004): 498-518. Rauch, Andreas, and Michael Frese. Born to Be an Entrepreneur? Revisiting the Personality Approach to Entrepreneurship. (2007). Deci, Edward, and Richard M Ryan. Self-determination theory. Handbook of theories of social psychology (2008): 416. Dees, J Gregory. The meaning of social entrepreneurship. Comments and suggestions contributed from the Social Entrepreneurship Funders Working Group, 6pp (1998). Drucker, Peter Ferdinand. People and performance: The best of Peter Drucker on management. Routledge, 1995. Sharir, Moshe, and Miri Lerner. Gauging the success of social ventures initiated by individual social entrepreneurs. Journal of world business 41.1 (2006): 6-20. Gruber, Marc, and Joachim Henkel. New ventures based on open innovation–an empirical analysis of start-up firms in embedded Linux. International Journal of Technology Management 33.4 (2006): 356-372. Volkmann, Christine K, Kim Oliver Tokarski, and Marc Grà ¼nhagen. Entrepreneurship in a european perspective: concepts for the creation and growth of new ventures. Springer, 2010.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Developing and Learning - Piagets and Vygotskys Theories Essay

Introduction. In this assignment the writer will compare and contrast the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. To begin, the writer will discuss Piaget's theory of cognitive development, followed by Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development. The writer will then discuss any implications of Piaget's and Vygotsky's models for teaching and learning in the school years. In order to do this she will compare the two theories and look at any relevant evidence and research. After comparing both theories of cognitive development, the writer will do a brief summary of the two theories. Concluding her findings and how the two theories contrast each other. Piaget's Theory. Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980) looked at how children reason and think. He looked at whether children see and make sense of the world in the same way that adults do. Piaget's theory explores how children's thought processes change with development. Piaget's theory identifies four developmental stages which are sensori-motor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operations and formal operations (Smith, Cowie, Blades. 2011 P.392). He believed that children's thought processes develop as they progress through these developmental stages. During the first stage, sensori-motor, which occurs from birth to around two years, a child, just deals with what is presented to them. Everything revolves around any direct experiences. During this developmental stage, children learn the concept of object permanence (Smith, Cowie, Blades. 2011 P.395). This is where an object continues to exist even if it is out of the child?s sight. According to Piaget?s theory, it would seem that infants need to be aware of object permanence before language or symbolic communication is possible. Th... ...ories, as she feels it is important to her role as a teaching assistant and finds it interesting how individual?s learn in different ways. Works Cited Lefrancois, G.R. (2006). Theories of Human Learning. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education. Peter K. Smith, Helen Cowie, Mark Blades. (2011) "Understanding Children's Development" Wiley-Blackwell; 5 edition. Raymond, E. (2000). Cognitive Characteristics. Learners with Mild Disabilities (pp. 169–201). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, A Pearson Education Company. Slavin, R.E. (2005). Educational psychology: theory and practice. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Wood, K.C. (2008). Piaget's Stages. Department of Educational Psychology and Instrutional Technology, University of Georgia Web. 27 May 2015. /index.php?title=Piaget%27s_Stages#Educational_Implications

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Can One Believe Simultaneously In God And The Big Bang? Essay -- essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Where are the boundaries of our mind and soul? Is there a point beyond which we cannot look anymore, where our sights become dim and vaguely disappear in the forever darkness and quietness of eternity? Has our limited knowledge and, at the same time, undeniable need to be able to explain everything, become so obvious and intense that we have to have the answer to every question out there? Religion sometimes may present the answer to our questions, but can one sincerely search for our beginnings by strictly following His word?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anyone who has ever gazed at the bright summer sky at night, even just for a while, can’t help not to ask himself – Where do we come from? How did all this happen? Who did this and why? Those are the essential questions to which no one up to this date knows the answer. Curiosity of our nature has launched us to the skies in search for those answers. Countless hours of sitting behind the telescopes around the world lurking for that one signal they need to reveal the grand secret and take a peek into those very first seconds of creation - what is known as the Big Bang. Nowadays there is well established idea that whole universe as we know it became from one little tiny spot and in the split of a second it inflated to enormous size and it keeps expanding ever since. How do you explain that to someone who has been raised whole his life in a belief that there is a God up there beyond the sky and th...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Technology Management Assignment

Introduction The emergence of new technologies has made a big impact on business management. Technology applications have been proven to enhance the acquisition of information and resources. Technology has also become an important element in decision making and product innovation. As such, without technology management, organizations cannot survive in the current business environment. Technology management has also been proven as a key component in the creation of wealth. Therefore, the management of technology, especially for technology intensive firms, is essential for their survival and to maintain their competitive advantage. Technology management is a multi-disciplinary field, which works as a bridge between engineering and business disciplines. The importance of technology management cannot be overlooked. In recent years, all leading developments in the global business environment are the result of the application of technology management (Khalil, 2000). Technology management is related to innovation (Mortar et al., 2009). In the current business and technological environment, corporations and SMEs must be able to adapt and evolve if they want to survive and expand their business. The ability and willingness to change is essential to survive in today’s highly competitive environment. As such, innovation has become an important aspect in the culture of an organization and is seen as a driving force in achieving growth (Trott, 2005). Innovation, in turn, is recognized as one of the results of efficient technology management. Technology management is a dynamic tool that can be utilized for various industries, both in the private and government sectors. The education sector is one of the areas where technological improvement is needed. This can be achieved through the use of online learning software and other related tools. Online learning communities are a growing feature in the landscape of educational technology. These tools and technology-oriented software are the key improvements in the education system and this has been proven with the passage of time (Herrington & Oliver, 2000) This essay analyses Pakistan’s education market to find the gaps in the use of technology in the country’s education sector. To illustrate the importance of technology management, the essay also discusses its application in relation to the development of new software targeted for the education sector in Pakistan. The development of the new software is carried out with the guidance of an appropriate technology oriented-business model and business plan. This is done to minimize the risk and uncertainty involved in the product development process. Literature Review Benefits of Technology ManagementLooking at the economic history of the UK, technological management has been recognized as one of the key factors in the birth and development of the industrial sector during the nineteenth century (Trott, 2005). Since then, technology management has been an important aspect in economic and business growth. Technology management is recognized as an important element in business management. Firms have utilized technology management in their operations and have adapted it to suit their business needs (Pilkington & Teichert, 2006). Many organizations are going through radical transformations due to technological changes that are happening on a global scale (Levin & Barnard, 2008). In this scenario, technology management is seen as playing an important role in managing organizational change. Over the years, many authors have focused on how to manage technology resources (Cetindamar, Phaal & Probert, 2009). Technology management involves processes to enhance performance and utilization of resources. It involves the acquisition and integration of existing knowledge into the creation of new knowledge. This is an important factor for an organization to survive in the current competitive environment. Every organization must have the flexibility to change and create new knowledge by adapting to the changes in the market. This will lead to higher performance and sustainable competitive advantage (Liu et al., 2006). Technology management is identified as a crucial factor for the long-term success and profitability of an organization. Technology is considered as one of the core assets that a firm relies on (Cockburn & Henderson, 1998). Technology management enables an organization to utilize its resources in creative ways in order to enhance performance and increase profit margin and market share. The company can also acquire and manage resources with the help of technology management. Challenges in Technology ManagementOne of the main difficulties in business is to manage uncertainty. This is the same challenge in technology and innovation management. New product innovation is a complex process. There are numerous factors and risks involved in innovation. The organization has to manage internal and external risks. Some of these are manageable while others are beyond their control. The management of the innovation process, which is a subset of technology management, involves trying to develop the creative potential of the organization. It involves the fostering of new ideas and generating creativity. Managing uncertainty is a central feature of managing the innovation process and managing technology (Trott, 2005). When there is new product innovation related to technology, the chances of uncertainty arises. Different experts have worked on these issues and have developed theories to avoid uncertainty or to create a better understanding of uncertainty, which occurs from new innovation. One of the theories in avoiding uncertainty is Pearson’s Uncertainty Map. This was developed after extensive analysis of different case studies of major technological innovations, including Pilkington’s float glass process, 3M’s Post-It Notes, and Sony’s Walkman (Pearson, 1991). Establishing something new is the essence of product innovation and this process necessarily involves risk. Therefore, early risk identification and management is required by innovative firms. Risk and uncertainty usually occur at the beginning of a new innovation process. It is important to note that innovation is not just about opening up new markets. Innovation can also present new ways of serving older and established markets. Technology Management and InnovationIn today’s fast changing business world, innovation has become a fundamental component in organizations. The speed of innovation has changed the nature of global economic growth – made possible by the rapid evolution of technology, shorter product lifecycles, and a higher degree of new product development. Additionally, the availability of more knowledge to firms has made innovation even more complex (Du Plessis, 2007). From this perspective, innovation is undeniably a product of technology management. One of the primary roles of technology is as an enabler – it ‘encourages the constant need to evaluate, update, and employ changing job descriptions and business processes’ (Savino 2009, p.1). Technological advancements have significantly changed how businesses operate and how employees go about doing their work. The new paradigm in business organizations is the continuous demands for improvement and the acquisition of knowledge in a very dynamic and constantly evolving environment. The catalyst that enables constant improvement and innovation is technology (Savino 2009). As such, it is highly important to manage technology in the pursuit of innovation. Researchers have recognized that large multinational firms are one of the key drivers for the globalization of research and development (R&D) and innovation activities. A study by Gerybadze & Reger (1999) found that R&D and innovation strategies have changed over the years. Since the mid-1990s, multinational corporations have been inclined to consolidate and streamline their operations. This shift in technology management strategy is due to the failures of distributed R&D activities and globally-dispersed innovation processes, which have led to highly complicated and unmanageable organizational structures. Consequently, firms have opted for leaner and more effective types in managing the portfolio of innovation activities. Using Business Models for Product Innovation One of the ways to manage risk in new product innovation is to come up with an appropriate business model or business plan. A business model helps in making the innovation successful and avoiding the chances of failure, which is one of the risks of innovation. Although creating and implementing the business model for a small firm is not an easy process, many firms utilize this in order to minimize the chances of failure (Lindgren, 2011). Business models have been the focus of both the academic writers and practitioners. Creating a business model is now a part of the innovation process (Zott, Amit & Massa, 2011). Researchers found that most firms have a variety of activities and corresponding business models. As such, a firm can use different business models to suit their various activities or a multi-business model approach can be used. Carrying out the perfect business model is not an easy task especially for the SME’s because they have limited resources; lack knowledge about the business; and have few business tools to support their activities (Neffics, 2010). Developing a new software for Pakistan’s education sector There is an existing gap in the use of technology in Pakistan’s education sector. Although there are some online tools that are used to manage online data and news, the information is usually found and managed in university websites only. There are currently no private providers of online learning software in universities in Pakistan. The new ruling of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) requires all education institutes to set online databases. As such, universities need to develop online learning software to fulfill the requirements and facilitate their students into using these new tools. This represents a good opportunity for the development of e-learning software for use in universities and colleges in Pakistan. Our plan is to develop software similar to â€Å"Moodle† for use in universities. Industry and target market A few years ago, Pakistan had no framework for the use of technology in higher education. This meant that the country’s education standards and quality were not at par with the rest of world. Pakistan was unable to make any progress in the education sector until 1991. There were only 34 universities serving a population of over 100 million and from 1997 to 2002, only 10 private universities were added. However, the rapid growth of the education sector resulted in the establishment of 53 private institutions by 2004. There are currently more than 74 universities across the country (HEC, 2012). Product Description The software that will be offer to customers is similar to â€Å"Moodle,† which is the acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle is an open-source course management system (CMS) / learning management system (LMS) / virtual leaning environment (VLE). It is used as a tool for creating online dynamic websites for students (Moodle 2013). Recent surveys show that it is considered as one of best e-learning software used by educators and is used by several primary and secondary schools in the UK (The Guardian, 2008). The software is customizable and there will be some modifications depending upon the circumstances and requirements of the clients. Using Moodle, the teacher can upload data form anywhere and student can access it instantly (The Guardian, 2008). Our aim is to introduce Moodle and to customize the software according to the needs of the higher education system in Pakistan. The software will allow tutors to manage their courses according to their requirements and students will be able to access available data from anywhere. University administration will also be able to upload news, results, and other related information using this software. There are various benefits in the application of the e-learning software in Pakistani universities. These include increase in availability of information, quick feedback, and better communication. The Moodle e-learning system provides users with an online platform for communication and sharing of content, information, and news. Communication – is the basic function of the Moodle e-learning software. Professors can post any course-related announcement for students. Students can chat with other students in real time. Discussion threads can be created. Students and teachers can participate in the discussion. Content – is the second core function of the software Teachers can post lectures, articles, assignments and other related information. Teaching calendar of the year can be included. Teachers can post quizzes and exams and allow students to access them via the internet. Students can submit their assignments online. Business Model A business model serves as a guide to help businesses create, deliver, capture and exchange value (Trott, 2005). There are main four components of a business model. Source: Trott, 2005 Core StrategyCore strategy is the first component of business model. It describes how a firm competes with its competitors. The core strategy involves customizing the software according to the needs of the organization and to set an optimum cost. Initially, we are targeting one university only, which is the Bahira University Islamabad. Other education institutions will be approached later on. Mission StatementOur mission is to provide excellent technology services to universities in Pakistan at the best cost. Product ScopeThe e-learning software will be developed by focusing on the needs and requirements of the clients. E-learning software is popularly used in UK schools. Teachers and students have given positive feedback on the use of e-learning software. We are expecting the same positive response from Pakistan’s education sector. Our focus is to develop the software based on some key points. Ease of use is one of the main objectives of the e-learning software. The product is new so we will ensure that it is easy to use and manage so that our clients will not have difficulty in using it. We will also ensure administrative flexibility so that they can manage it according to their needs. Our aim is to provide maximum value and optimize institutional investments to help them reduce their overhead costs and manage their finances better. We will also develop the software so that it is easily upgraded in the future should the client require changes. Basis for DifferentiationThere is currently no e-learning software in Pakistan, which is customized for the education sector and has excellent communication and content features. Most universities in Pakistan are using their websites for announcement and other news but they do not have a comprehensive software similar to Moodle. Our core differentiation is that we offer a customizable, flexible and easy to use software for the education sector. Strategic ResourcesFor the development of this software, we will hire the best software developer form Pakistan. The reasons for hiring the software developer from Pakistan are lower labor costs and familiarity with Pakistan’s education sector. This will help us to minimize our costs and be more efficient in our product development. Our strategic asset is our developers and our business plans. Technology Strategy The technology strategy is part the overall corporate strategy takes into consideration the components of the core strategy. In pharmaceutical firms and high tech equipment manufacturers, it is common for the technology strategy to be related to the corporate strategy. This concerns the management and use of technology for further expansion and development (Burgelman & Doz, 2001). Our core strategy is to focus on innovation and excellent services for our clients. Our goal is also to build reliable and flexible software that is cost effective and sustainable. The product we offer is based on Moodle. Although Moodle is already available in the market, we will develop a new e-learning software based on the Moodle framework. This new e-learning software will be customized to suit Pakistan’s education sector. Our basic strategy is to understand the client’s requirements and create products that will address all their needs. The service strategy provides guidance on how to design, develop, and implement our service management plans. We will provide not only the software to our clients, but also services such as installation, customization, and post-sales support. We will also provide trainings to teachers and administrative staff on how to upload data and use communication tools. Trainings will also be provided for university students who will be using the e-learning software. Financial Strategy The financial strategy is an important component of any business plan. Initially, we are going to finance our business using our personal savings and from investments of our family and friends. Our initial capital investment is ?3,000 to ?5,000. For future expansion plans, we will loan from a bank or other financial institutions. Partnership Networks We are going to start with one project, through the help of a partnership with a small software firm. This will help to minimize our development costs. The partnership contract will be based on profit sharing. The reason for entering into a partnership is to allow us to offer our products to other universities in the future. It is my responsibility to secure the contract from the university. It is my task to find out the requirements and needs of the university and to negotiate with them in terms of cost and other pertinent issues. Customer Interface Our target market is the Pakistani education sector. The main reason for targeting this market is the lack of educational software in Pakistan. Initially our target is one university, which will be Bahria University Islamabad. The motive for choosing this organization is the fact that some of our colleagues have studied there and are very familiar with the university. According to students of Bahria University, the administrative system that their university is currently using is not user friendly compared to other well-known universities in the Pakistan. As such, it will be a great idea to offer the new e-learning software to this university. To get the contract for developing this service, we will talk to the university’s management team. We will present them our product’s features and offer our services to them. Pricing Model We are new in the market and we want to compete with existing players. Our main focus is to attract a lot of customers and this can be achieved by making our products affordable. We are applying a cost leadership strategy. We will offer the best products at low cost to persuade customers to avail of our products. This is an ideal market entry strategy. maximum customers and for this out for going for cost leadership strategy. We will offer best low cost to facilitate our clients and make them comfortable to deal with us. Initially our motive is to adjust our self on low profit and gain market share. Conclusions Success of an organization depends on leaning, innovation, and constant change in a systematic and scientific way. Every organization will constantly have to acquire new knowledge to remain competitive. Change and uncertainty is managed by having a plan for the future. With a business plan, uncertainty ceases to be a threat and becomes an opportunity. Different models must be used to avoid uncertainty and risk. In entering a new market, we will use a business model to avoid uncertainty and carry out the innovation process in a manageable way. Being management student, we admire the importance of literature on technology management and new product innovation. On the basis of that literature and examples, we can conclude that if we ignore all those theories and models, product innovation will not be achieved. Our plan is based on the review of relevant literature and carried out through a business model. References Burgelman, R.A. and Doz, Y.L. (2001). The Power of Strategic Integration. MIT Sloan Management Review, 42(3), pp. 28-38. Cetindamar, D., Phaal,R. & Probert, D (2009). Understanding technology management as a dynamic capability: A framework for technology management activities. Technovation, 29(4), pp.237-246 Christoph Zott, Raphael Amit and Lorenzo Massa, Journal of Management published. 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